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Optavia Fuelings - Toxic Metals

Updated: Nov 2, 2018

Optavia Weight Loss Products (Fuelings) Contain Toxic Metals Like Lead And Cadmium

  • 85% of Optavia product samples tested positive for toxins like lead and cadmium.

  • Optavia product samples, on average, contain more lead than over 100 top selling protein powders (based on 2018 data released by the clean label project).

  • Optavia product samples, on average, contain more lead than all 283 foods tested for lead by the US Food and Drug Administration.

  • Of the samples that contain lead, all (100%) exceed California's Prop 65 maximum allowable daily limit for lead just by ingesting 1 serving of the product.

  • Consumers on Optavia's flagship 5 and 1 plan must ingest 5 servings daily and, on average, may be consuming more than 10 times the Prop 65 daily limit for lead.

  • Despite Optavia products clearly exceeding Prop 65 lead limits, Optavia does not provide the required consumer warnings on its product labels and website.

  • This is not the first time Optavia, also known as Medifast, has had products containing lead (lab analyses from 2008 determined that Medifast products contained lead).

  • Medifast sued its critics in 2010 and successfully had the above mentioned analytical reports removed from the website where they had been posted.

  • There is no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe and excess lead exposure can cause a number of health complications including anemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity and toxicity to the reproductive organs (WHO).

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